Friday, December 14, 2007


Welcome to Maria's Blog! This blog is exclusively for my postings regarding travel, although no doubt I will diverge from that at times. A proper homepage with other Maria-related things is forthcoming...

But first, a word from my sponsor...oh wait, I don't have one. So I guess just a word from the author of this blog, yours truly. I've decided that rather than depending on paper (or less reliable yet, my brain) to document my travels and my thoughts while traveling, I'd join the ranks of Interweb enthusiasts and start one of these things. Mostly it's a matter of convenience, because posting reflections on here is much easier than recounting the same stories in several e-mails to several people. But also, let's face it, having a blog is the hip thing to do. If you know ANYTHING about me, it's that I'm hip. I am. Really. I swear. Please post all manner of stupid comments, legitimate observations, challenging questions, snide remarks, enlightening critique, personal anecdotes, etc. Or just read until you're bored. Which is riiiight

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